餐廳設計可以增添就餐者的食欲 |
瀏覽次數:2583次 更新時間:2017-03-24 14:02:25 |
一個好的餐廳就餐環境,不僅使人們感覺輕松,也可以緩解一天緊張的工作狀態。到餐廳光顧的客人每個人的情緒是變化萬千的,而在就餐中都想要一個好的情緒,客人吃得多自然也會給餐廳帶來客觀的營業收入,所以,在餐廳裝修設計中就要想法設法去使客人的情緒愉悅、高漲,而餐廳裝修設計的燈光色也是很重要的考慮因素,下面北京餐廳設計小編就著重介紹一下相關細節。 A good restaurant dining environment, not only make people feel relaxed, but also can ease the tension of a day's work. To patronize the restaurant guests in each person's mood is changing, but in all want to have a good mood, the guests eat more naturally to the restaurant will bring considerable revenue, so as to try to make the guest mood cheerful, rising in the restaurant decoration, and restaurant decoration the design of the light color is also a very important factor to consider, the Beijing Restaurant Design Xiaobian emphatically introduce the relevant details. 餐廳地面一般應選擇表面光潔、易清潔的材料,如大理石、花崗巖、地磚。墻面在齊腰位置要考慮用些耐碰撞、耐磨損的材料,如選擇一些木飾、墻磚,做局部裝飾、護墻處理。頂棚宜以素雅、潔凈材料做裝飾,如乳膠漆、局部木飾,并用,燈具作烘托,有時可適當降低頂棚,可給人以親切感。 The floor of the restaurant should generally choose the surface clean, easy to clean materials, such as marble, granite, floor tiles. Wall in the waist position to consider the use of some of the collision resistance, wear resistant materials, such as the selection of some wood ornaments, wall tiles, do local decoration, wall treatment. The ceiling should do decorated with elegant, clean materials, such as paint, local wood trim and lighting, for contrast, sometimes may be appropriate to reduce the ceiling, can give people a warm feeling. 整個就餐空間,宜營造一種清新、優雅的氛圍,以增添就餐者的食欲。若餐廳室內就餐空間太小時,則餐桌可以靠著有鏡子的墻面擺放,或在墻角運用一些鏡面與裝飾,餐具柜相結合,可給人以寬敞感。 The entire dining space, it is necessary to create a fresh, elegant atmosphere, to increase the appetite of diners. If the dining room dining room space is too small, the table can be placed on the wall with a mirror, or in the corner of the use of a number of mirror and decoration, combined with tableware, can give people a sense of spacious. 從餐廳裝修設計照明的范疇來看,低照度的空問應采用低色溫光源,隨著照度的提高宜選用色溫較高的光源,反之就會產生悶熱不舒適的感覺。一般在餐廳裝修設計的照明設計中,不管照度的高低,都最好選則使用低色溫光源(采用混合照明方式的餐廳,可以將高色溫的一般照明和低色溫的局部照明搭配使用)。這是因為在人類的進化過程中,已經習慣于在白色而明亮的光線下生產勞動,并在此條件下形成高頻率呼吸、心跳的身體機制。 From the perspective of the decoration of the restaurant design lighting, the light of the low temperature should be used for low temperature color light source, with the increase in the intensity of illumination should choose a higher color temperature light source, otherwise it will produce a feeling of hot and uncomfortable. In the general lighting design of restaurant decoration design, regardless of the level of illumination, are the best choice to use the low color temperature of light source (using mixed lighting of the restaurant, can be high color temperature of general lighting and local lighting collocation with low color temperature). This is because in the course of human evolution, has been accustomed to working in white and bright light production, and in this condition the formation of high frequency breathing, heartbeat body mechanism. 人們習慣于圍坐在溫暖的篝火旁交流、休息,此時人們會處于低頻呼吸,放松而舒適的身體機制。而大多數餐廳連鎖設計都是要創造舒適而溫馨的就餐環境,為了適應人類長久以來所形成的習慣,北京餐廳設計小編介意最好選用偏暖色的光源。這樣,不僅在室內會形成溫馨愉快的氣氛,從透明的玻璃窗溢出的溫暖的光線與熱鬧的就餐人群形成一幅幅動人的畫面,還能吸引著路上的行人前來就餐。與此相比,使用白色和冷白色光源的餐廳裝修設計,多少給人一種孤獨、凄涼的印象。 People are used to sitting around a warm campfire to exchange and rest, at this time people will be in the low-frequency breathing, relaxed and comfortable body mechanism. Most restaurant chain design is to create a warm and comfortable dining environment, in order to adapt to human long habit, light Beijing restaurant design small mind the best choice of warm color. In this way, not only in the interior will form a warm and happy atmosphere, warm light from the transparent glass window overflow with the lively dining crowd formed a vivid picture, but also attracted passers-by to come to dinner. In contrast, the use of white and cold white light source restaurant decoration design, how much to give a lonely, desolate impression. |
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